Apply values on all items

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  • #103971

    Extending Karolinas idea of a per-category-basis I’d also suggest to have both “per item” and “per item and per product” run parallel where “per item” sets the standard quantity multiplier and “per item and per product” the product specific exceptions.

    Instead of editing each single product on changes in my quantity policy, I could then adapt most of the products’ quantities on a “per item” basis in one step and only care about exceptions on a per product quantity editing step. “Per item and per product” might be triggered when the meta box is not left empty or not zero (or both).

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Omar Dabbas.
    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support


    I’m not sure if I understood it correctly, but I believe that plugin is already working as you’ve described. That is – if you set “Per item quantity – All products” option, then “Per item quantity – Per product” option works exactly as you’ve described, i.e. if it’s empty then “Per item quantity – All products” option value is used as a fallback.

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