Archive pages always add quantity 1

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  • #104545
    Ariel Kaiser

    Hello –
    I’m using the show quantities on archive feature and my question is two-fold:

    1. On the Archive page, regardless of the quantity I choose, it only adds 1 to the cart. (If I add from the single product page, it adds the correct quantity.)
    2. On the Archive page, the up/down arrows to increase/decrease quantity only show on hover (in Chrome); these should be always visible.
    2b. Actually, can these show the plus/minus like the single product page instead of the up/down arrows?


    Thanks so much!

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by Omar Dabbas.

    Hi Ariel,

    I believe this is something related to theme function that overwrites the plugin functionality, I will need some access to troubelshoot & fix this.

    If possible, please send me FTP (and preferrably wp-admin as well) to [email protected]


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