Barcode meta key

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  • #85156

    I see that the EAN is stored in this Meta key: _alg_ean

    But what about the barcode itself?

    We’re trying to extract data to another application.

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support


    Unfortunately, we generate the barcodes dynamically, so they are not stored in the product meta.

    If you can add a PHP code when extracting data, you can generate them dynamically as well, for example, with shortcodes (assuming you have the $product_id available):

    do_shortcode( '[alg_wc_ean_barcode_base64 product_id="' . $product_id . '"]' );

    and for 2D barcodes:

    do_shortcode( '[alg_wc_ean_barcode_2d_base64 product_id="' . $product_id . '"]' );

    Please let me know if that’s not possible in your case, and I will try to add some options to the plugin to store the barcodes in meta.


    Thanks Tom!

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Happy to help 🙂 However, could you please clarify if you still need it in the product meta? Or my suggestion with shortcodes was good enough for you?

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