[Bug] Free Shipping option not showing when plugin is enabled


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  • #122061
    Monica Calavitta

    We’ve been using this plugin successfully for months and a few days ago the Free Shipping option stopped showing up in the Card or Checkout even when the cart was eligible for free shipping. The message that the cart is eligible for free shipping is working properly, but the free shipping option doesn’t show up for the user to select. When I disable the Amount Left for Free Shipping for WooCommerce plugin, the free shipping method shows back up for the user to select. We are using the built in Free Shipping method which calculates on the cart total. No settings were changed. AFTER the problem occurred we tried updating all of our plugins to see if that helped but it did not. The only other shipping related plugin we have is ELEX Stamps.com WooCommerce Extension (USPS). Disabling or enabling that plugin doesn’t have any affect on this issue. Only disabling Amount Left for Free Shipping resolves the problem. We went ahead and set up a staging server to troubleshoot the issue which we can give someone from your support team access to if necessary.

    Amount Left for Free Shipping for WooCommerce Pro: 2.2.5
    WooCommerce: 8.0.2
    Wordpress: 6.3

    Plugin Support

    Hi Monica,

    Thanks for reaching out.

    I just tested the plugin but couldn’t reproduce the issue. In order to assist you further, would it be possible for you to provide us with access to your WordPress dashboard? This will allow us to investigate the issue more closely and understand what might be causing the problem. If that’s okay with you, please send your login credentials to [email protected]. Please include the link to this conversation when sending the login details.

    Kind regards,

    Monica Calavitta

    OK. Our developer just send that info and copied us. Let’s please use that email thread going forward for this issue. Thanks.


    Hi Monica
    Thank you for your message. We have received permissions for your site from the developer
    And we checked the plugin,
    But when the Amount Left for Free Shipping for the WooCommerce Pro plugin is deactivated
    The options remain the same and the free shipping option does not appear to be, also
    I will attach a screenshot showing the differences after activating the plugin and when deactivating it, and I want you to tell me about the missing option(free shipping option)

    If you can also deactivate the plugin Amount Left for Free Shipping for WooCommerce Pro, and then
    Referring to the free shipping option that will appear, I will be grateful

    check the screenshot in this link : Screenshots
    Best Regards,


    • This reply was modified 10 months, 4 weeks ago by Hindi.

    Hi Monica ,

    Check necessary fields for the country/region that must be filled out in order for the shipping options, including free shipping, to appear. Please take a look at the screenshot that was sent to you.
    I hope this information was helpful to you.
    Thank you!


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