Can I remove VAT from reports?

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  • #89514
    Kiren Patel

    Hi I have purchased this plugin. Overall very happy with it but I have a couple questions:

    1. In the Woocommerce reports the profit seems to include VAT even though I have excluded Vat from the order profit calculations? Is there a way to remove VAT from the reports?

    2. Is there any way this plugin could input the Order profit calculation into the Woocommerce new order email that is sent to admins?


    WPFactory Plugins
    Plugin Author

    Hi Kiren,

    It’s good to know you’re happy with it ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Please try to recalculate the orders on:
    – Tools & Reports > Orders Tools > Recalculate orders cost and profit

    2. I believe it’s not possible for now, but I can try to develop it for you.
    I’ll let you know when I have some news about it ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Kiren Patel

    I do not have the Enable tax rate calculations option turned on the Woocommerce settings as all my prices include VAT already.

    I think this is causing an issue with the VAT calculation with cost of goods?
    Is there a work around this?


    WPFactory Plugins
    Plugin Author

    We’re getting product prices excluding taxes, but even if we get it including taxes it won’t make a difference if you have the taxes option disabled. So I’d suggest you two options:

    1- Enable tax rates and calculations
    1.1- Set “Prices entered with tax” as “Yes, I will enter prices inclusive of tax”

    2- Set product costs with taxes

    Kiren Patel

    Thanks. I went for option 2 you suggested and uploaded cost prices including vat and recalculated.
    I do still have the issue with the reporting profit totals include VAT? Is there any way to show the profit on reports excluding VAT without doing option 1 you suggested?

    WPFactory Plugins
    Plugin Author

    Hi Kiren,

    I’m sorry but after thinking for a while we believe that if you use taxes in your store you’d have to enable the option from WooCommerce:
    – Enable tax rates and calculations

    This is the only way of calculating taxes correctly, regardless if prices include or exclude taxes.

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