Can I sell products with decimal quantities using a free version of a plugin?

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  • #104935


    I am using the free version of your plugin (though I’m willing to buy it if I have to), in order to be able to sell products like fruits with decimal quantities (0.2 kg, 0.5 kg., etc.). I have two questions, however:

    1. Let me confirm: per-product decimal quantity steps is a Pro feature, right? In other words, if I want to sell in the same store fruits (in decimal steps: 0.4 kg.) and jam jars (sold per unit), I need to buy the plugin. Is that right?
    2.  I have enabled “Quantity step” and set “0.1” for all products, and even so, when I go to the product page, the product quantity picker only shows units: 1, 2, 3… There’s no way to select a decimal quantity. I have also enabled “Minimum quantity” and set 0.1 as minimum, but it still doesn’t work. How can I make it actually show decimal quantities to the public? Is this normal?



    Hi Paul,

    Thanks for the details, to answer your questions:

    1. No, you can get this working even in the free version, since you can define step/min/max per product in free, you should be good to go.
    2. From what I’ve seen before, in some cases theme forces a step of 1, or it might be some settings issue, both cases, if you can send us wp-admin access to [email protected], we will be glad to look further into this and get it sorted.


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