Can I set a different date range for different products?

Forums Maximum Products per User for WooCommerce Can I set a different date range for different products?

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  • #100766

    Hi! is there an available individual product setting to set the date range per product? If there is no individual setting, could you please help me with a shortcode? This is the setup:

    product_A = maximum qty limit of 1, lifetime range

    product_B = maximum qty limit of 1, within 7 days

    product_C = maximum qty limit of 1 withing 1 day

    Looking forward to your response. Thank you.



    Unfortunately, this is not possible. The date range limits in the General plugin settings will apply to all the products.

    Plugin Support


    Although it’s not possible to set a date range per product using the admin settings or by using shortcodes, I believe it would be possible via code using the alg_wc_mppu_date_to_check filter.

    If you only need to set limits for these specific products, you can simply enable “Limits > Per Product” option and then access the admin product page from A, B and C, setting the “Limit per user” option as 1.

    In your (child) theme’s functions.php file you can add this code, considering products A, B and C with ids 1, 2 and 3:

    add_filter( 'alg_wc_mppu_date_to_check', function ( $date_to_check, $date_range, $current_time, $product_or_term_id, $current_user_id, $is_product ) {
       if ( ! $is_product ) {
          return $date_to_check;
       switch ( (int) $product_or_term_id ) {
          case 1: // Product A - Lifetime.
             $date_to_check = 0;
          case 2: // Product B - Last 7 days.
             $date_to_check = ( $current_time - WEEK_IN_SECONDS );
          case 3: //  Product C - Last 24 hours.
             $date_to_check = ( $current_time - DAY_IN_SECONDS );
       return $date_to_check;
    }, 10, 6 );

    Let me know if it helps 😉


    Hi! I haven’t tested this but some more questions..

    In your example:  

       switch ( (int) $product_or_term_id ) {
          case 1: // Product A - Lifetime.
             $date_to_check = 0;
          case 2: // Product B - Last 7 days.
             $date_to_check = ( $current_time - WEEK_IN_SECONDS );
          case 3: //  Product C - Last 24 hours.
             $date_to_check = ( $current_time - DAY_IN_SECONDS );

    – How do I place the product ID instead of the product name? Example Product ID#123

    – What about multiple product ID’s? example: id#123, id#234, id#345

    – What is the code to check for 15days and 30days?

    Thank you!

    Plugin Support


    The product name was just a comment. The number I used after the word “case” was actually the product ID. Product A, B and C with IDs 1, 2 and 3.

    Please check this other code for your other questions:

    add_filter( 'alg_wc_mppu_date_to_check', function ( $date_to_check, $date_range, $current_time, $product_or_term_id, $current_user_id, $is_product ) {
       if ( ! $is_product ) {
          return $date_to_check;
       if ( in_array( (int) $product_or_term_id, array( 1, 2, 3 ) ) ) { // Product IDs 1, 2 and 3 - 15 days
          $date_to_check = ( $current_time - ( DAY_IN_SECONDS * 15 ) );
       } elseif ( in_array( (int) $product_or_term_id, array( 4, 5, 6 ) ) ) { // Product IDs 4, 5 and 6 - 30 days
          $date_to_check = ( $current_time - MONTH_IN_SECONDS );
       return $date_to_check;
    }, 10, 6 );

    Apologies for the duplicate post, the browser was adding a new post instead of replying here…

    Another question, since I’m running a multisite and each site has a different requirement or product restrictions, I am using a code snippet plugin instead of adding it in the functions.php file.
    I am getting an error with the <pre></pre>tag. Is this required to be in the code or can I just remove it? I tried the code without this and it seems to be working fine. Thanks again

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