Can I set the cost as a percentage of the price?

Forums Cost of Goods for WooCommerce Can I set the cost as a percentage of the price?

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  • #89710
    Darren E Cowley

    Hi I use the Woocmmerce Multi Currency Plugin, I set each of my products up with a price in each currency and do not use the currency conversion feature.

    I also input all of my costs including VAT which will make the net sale price differ depending on where in Europe the buyer is based.

    Can I set a cost of goods as a percentage of the net price paid?

    And can I set a cost for each sale price in the three currencies I use without using a currency conversion formula?



    Unfortunately, no it is not possible to set the cost of goods as a percentage of the selling price.

    There is a workaround though, you can add “Extra Costs” per order as a percentage. But this percentage will be the same for all products.

    As for the multicurrency option, it’s not possible to set currency per product. But possible to set exchange rates for currencies. Our plugin is also compatible with Multi Currency for WooCommerce” plugin

    You cannot rename the cost of goods to supplier commission.

    I suggest you test the free version of the plugin. It will give you a good idea on how the plugin works.

    Plugin Support

    Now, at Tools > Bulk edit costs, we have 3 sections: “Manually”, “By price”, and “By profit”.

    “By Price” allows to set costs from a percentage of product prices.

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