Can I show the limit message instead of the stock message on the product page?

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  • #100580


    I wondered if I could limit my dropdown (qty) based on the limit set per product. For example, I have the inventory of one item in the amount of 12324 products, I have set a limit for one user role of 10 per month. When the user clicks on the dropdown, it shows all of the 12324 amounts of inventory. I would prefer it to show its limit as the max number and then update the dropdown list once the user checks out. So if the user buys five out of his ten total limits, the dropdown will update to show five left to buy.

    Thank you!



    I am not sure I have understood your question correctly. Our plugin can limit the maximum products per user to 10. However, it does not control the inventory/stock of the products. I would suggest maybe disable stock display on the product page.

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