we are using a Sample function for our products, where a customer can order 1 unit of a product by clicking a seperate button on the products page. This button is configured to only add 1 of the product at a specific price. The actual product is sold in decimal quantities (eg 1.44) as its a flooring product and we sell this product in square metres. Unfortunately the decimal quantity is applied to sample, even though 1 is added to the cart.
Can Min Max Qty plugin be set to not validate/update the sample quantity and keep it added to the cart as a single unit.
I have been using the Min Max Qty plugin for many years now, and it was achievable on a different sample plugin, but since we have updated to a new Sample plugin its not working. Previously support helped with adding a function to force the Sample quantity and add to cart price.
I have emailed support 2 days ago but no reply, so i’m not sure if my email got through, hoping to get some help on this forum. I sent through the previous code supplied as well as the sample plugin files.