Can this plugin differentiate between virtual and shippable products?

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  • #88459

    Can this plugin differentiate between virtual and shippable products? we have a combination of both. We don’t want the virtual products to be counted in the free shipping option when a person has both virtual and shippable products in their cart at the same time. BUT the shippable products need to be counted even when there is a virtual product in the cart.

    Plugin Support

    Hello kendra,

    Thanks for reaching out.

    > We don’t want the virtual products to be counted in the free shipping option when a person has both virtual and shippable products in their cart at the same time

    With our plugin, this is possible. To do so, go to WooCommerce > Settings > Amount Left for Free Shipping > Advanced then enable Virtual products > Ignore virtual products in cart to reach the min amount.

    I hope you found this information beneficial. If you have any other questions or need assistance, please let me know.

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