Can we use both dropdown and radioboxes in woocommerce variations?

Forums Variations Radio Buttons for WooCommerce Can we use both dropdown and radioboxes in woocommerce variations?

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  • #94102
    Praveen Chauhan

    I have a pre-sale question. can we use both dropdown and radioboxes in woocommerce variations using your plugin?

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support


    Not sure if I understood the question correctly, but if you mean that you need to enable radio buttons for some variable products only and leave the default dropdown for other variable products – yes, that is possible. When you open product’s admin edit page, there is “Variations Radio Buttons” meta box, where you can enable “Use default dropdown instead of the radio buttons” checkbox.

    Hope that helps.

    Praveen Chauhan

    I want to use dropdown and radio box for the same product. Means some fields will be dropdown and some fields will be radio box. Like i did it here

    The problem is that after doing it like this the add to cart is not working. Is this possible with your plugin ?

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support


    Ok, I got it. Unfortunately, that is not possible at the moment – I will have to check if I can implement it in the next plugin version.

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