Can you please fix my plugin

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  • #131337
    TANIE M SP. Z O.O.


    It is 19 day since I contacted you and asked for fixing premium Min Max Quantity plugin. You are not answering my messages on email so I will ask directly on forum. Can you fix this on my website or refund my money? I don’t want to wait longer for this. I paid for a plugin and can’t even make it work or get any help.

    What if my shop will start working and there will be some urgent issue with your plugin? Will I have to wait 20 days for fix and lose money during that time? This is insane… Premium clients should be treated with respect not like this.

    Best regards

    Filip K.


    Hi Filip,

    We sincerely apologize for the delay in addressing your concerns with the Min Max Quantity plugin. We understand the frustration this has caused, and we appreciate your patience.

    Our developer team has identified the issue and replied to you. We understand the importance of a timely resolution, especially for premium clients like yourself. Rest assured, we are committed to providing you with the support and service you deserve.

    Once again, we apologize for any inconvenience caused, and we appreciate your understanding.

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