Can’t get EAN codes created

Forums EAN and Barcodes for WooCommerce Can’t get EAN codes created

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  • #84962
    Iiro Isohanni


    I cant get the EAN codes created.

    Could you please help?

    Thank you.


    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi Iiro,

    Not sure if I got it correctly. Do you mean you are trying to run our “Generate EANs automatically for all products from product IDs” tool but EANs are not created for the products? If that’s the case – is there any error displayed? If there is no error – do you see the “EAN generated for X products” message after you run the tool?

    Daniel Fernstrom

    Where did i find the tool so i can genrate automatically  ean code on the products/variable?

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi Daniel,

    Please make sure that you have set the “Type” option in “WooCommerce > Settings > EAN” to “CODE 128”. After you save changes, the tool will be displayed in “Tools > Products > Generate EANs automatically for all products from product IDs” (again in “WooCommerce > Settings > EAN”, it’s a checkbox at the bottom of the page).

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