Category prefix

Forums SKU Generator for WooCommerce Category prefix

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  • #98609

    Hello, I purchased the plugin and I’d like tu use the category prefix.
    I’ve set a prefix for every category and using a sequential number generation.
    I have this template: {category_prefix}00{sku_number}
    But instead of “AB0012345”, I have “0012345”, the category prefix doesn’t show up.
    Can you please explain what to do?
    Thank you very much!

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi Kharlo,

    Does this problem occur when you add new product or when you are using “SKU Regenerator” tool?

    Best regards,


    Hello Tom,
    It occurs when I add a new product. I don’t want to regenerate SKUs because I need to keep the existing ones.


    Excuse me Tom,
    I don’t understand what is the problem. It’s not a secondary function not working here, it’s the reason why I have purchased the payed version of the plugin. I’m still waiting for support.
    If you can’t support me, can you please tell me how the refund policy works?
    Thank you very much, best regards

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi Kharlo,

    We’ve released new version 1.2.1 today, which should solve the issue with new products not getting category prefix.

    Now in plugin’s “General” settings (in “WooCommerce > Settings > SKU > General”) in “More Options” section, we’ve added “Delay SKU generation till product is published” checkbox. When it is enabled, SKU is not created until you publish the product, so you have time to set category, so prefix is generated correctly.

    Best regards,


    This still doesn’t work for me. Kharlo, any luck?

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