Change where EAN codes are stored in the MySQL database

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  • #85167

    Is it possible to change where EAN codes are stored in the MySQL database? We don’t currently have a PRO version of the plugin.

    Due to external integration, we need the EAN codes to be saved in the table: wp_postmeta in the entries:

    If possible, we will order additional work to modify, so that EAN codes are saved in the indicated place in the MySQL database

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi Mariusz,

    Our EANs are already saved in the wp_postmeta table, so you only need to change the key. You can do that by setting our “Meta key” option in “WooCommerce > Settings > EAN > Advanced” to _ean or _wpmr_ean.

    Or do you mean that you want to store the same EAN in both _ean and _wpmr_ean simultaneously?

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