Checkout is locked

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  • #105140
    Henrik Lorensen

    Hi Tom,
    We got a new problem. We got the plugin to work as it should but after a couple of hours the check out was locked so that it was impossible to check out. The only thing we had changed was the plugin so we deactivated it and the check out was available again. We tried again next day and the same happend after 8 hours. Do you have any idea og what is going wrong?

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by Omar Dabbas.
    Henrik Lorensen

    Any news?

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi Henrik,

    Sorry for the late reply.

    As last time – would it be possible for me to log in to your site ([email protected])? If sharing an account is not an option – maybe you could share the link to your site’s frontend then.


    I have send you a mail,

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