Checkout Issues when plugin is turned on


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  • #116468
    Chelsea Sutula

    We are unfortunately getting error issues when customers are checking out their order with this plugin turned on.

    While chating with WooCommerce support team, we identified that the error on checkout triggered the following error under WP Admin → WooCommerce → Status → Logs:

    2023-05-31T18:35:21+00:00 CRITICAL Uncaught Error: Cannot use string offset as an array in /nas/content/live/sespedev/wp-<wbr />content/plugins/maximum-<wbr />products-per-user-for-<wbr />woocommerce-pro/includes/<wbr />class-alg-wc-mppu-data.php:510

    Disabling the “Maximum Products per User for WooCommerce: by WPFactory – 3.8.7” corrected the issue during our chat together. We would appreciate any help in solving this issue.  WooCoomerce recommended few other plugins but we would like to figure out first why this is happening since we’re already using the paid version and are past refunding period.

    Thank you for your urgent attention and help.

    Chelsea Sutula

    Chelsea Sutula

    Hi Moshtafizur,

    It has been almost a week since our initial contact, and unfortunately, we have yet to receive a response or any updates regarding the resolution of these issues. As a result, our website’s functionality and user experience are still being adversely affected. Given the urgency and impact this situation has on our operations, we kindly request your immediate attention and prompt response to address this matter. Looking forward to your prompt reply.

    Thank you for your understanding.

    Plugin Support

    Hi there,

    Sorry for the late reply. Actually, we have recently changed our hosting. But it caused some issues with our support system. All tickets from the forum are being filtered as “suspended,” including yours. We are trying to fix this as soon as possible. Regarding the issue you are experiencing, we were unable to reproduce it on our end. Would it be possible to send your login details to [email protected] so that we can examine the issue?

    Kind regards.

    Chelsea Sutula

    Hi, We understand that you changed your hosting and suspended all the tickets. We’ve sent you our login credentials already but haven’t heard back from you. We understand you have a large volume of tickets but would appreciate your urgent response since our entire business is now on halt because this plugin was working before and now it’s not working anymore for some reason. When can we expect to hear back from you?

    Thank you for your continued support and collaboration.

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