Configuring quantity steps to match allowed quantities

Forums Min Max Default Quantity for WooCommerce Configuring quantity steps to match allowed quantities

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  • #104840


    Is it possible to have a break in the step quantity.

    ie, we have the following allowed quantities:


    We have the stepper set to 100.

    The stepper allows them to add 600 to their cart as it is set to 100.  It captures the issue on checkout but that’s not very user friendly.

    Is there a way to configure the steps to match the Allowed Quantities that are configured?


    Hi Kelly,

    You can either use Allowed Quantities (from Fixed Quantites tab as it’s a separate section) or step, not both.

    Because once you define allowed quantities, it will overwrite min/step/max quantities you defined for products affected, actually in any case, you should be able to get the result you want using 1 of the 2 options only.

    If you need us to help you set this up, please send us to [email protected]



    I don’t understand. If we disable Step Quantity it changes to quantity change of 1 at a time even though we have Allowed Quantities defined on the product.

    Yes the validation works when we try to add to cart but it confused the customers being able to select a quantity and then being told they can’t use that.

    So currently we have step of 100, minimum quantity of 100 and defined quantities of 100,200,300,400,500,1000,2000,3000,4000,5000.

    If I remove the step of 100 but leave min and defined quantities – it steps by 1 and not the values in the defined quantities.

    Is it possible to have it step only the defined quantity values? Basically can steps be defined as 100,200,300,400,500,1000,2000,3000,4000,5000?


    Hi Kelly,

    In this case, why don’t you use dropdown instead of quantity input field? Having an input field will be confusing for users since they have to “guess” the correct amounts (if you don’t show this in product page).

    Usually fixed quantities work perfect with dropdown, from a user experience point of view.


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