Critical Error!! (Dokan WooCommerce Bookings)

Forums Cost of Goods for WooCommerce Critical Error!! (Dokan WooCommerce Bookings)

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  • #133775

    On the WordPress backend, when editing a “bookable product” by WooCommerce Bookings, the page loads fine. Under the “Costs” tab, the COGS field for “Cost” loads and stores information in the database with no issues. However, on the frontend in Dokan Dashboard under the “Bookings” tab, a critical error occurs where the COGS field for “Cost” is to load. This suggests this plugin is causing a conflict.

    I am interested in purchasing premium version of this plugin, however, I will not be able to do so until this is corrected. I have been trying to get this addressed over 5 months.

    COGS 3.2.2
    Wordpress 3.4.2
    Dokan 3.9.6, Pro 3.9.8
    PHP 8.1.25


    <p class=””>Update… I’ve been able to “fix” this by taking out the following line from /includes/class-alg-wc-cog-cost-inputs.php</p>
    <p class=””>add_action( ‘woocommerce_bookings_after_display_cost’, array( $this, ‘add_cost_input’ ) );</p>
    <p class=””>This is surely not a permanent fix, as I will have to do this each time the plugin updates. Kindly have team correct it, because I have been considering the pro/premium version but I can’t use it with this persistent error.</p>


    Hi, I just sent you an email asking for the Dokan and the Bookings plugin.

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