Customize list attribute or variations order

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  • #105620

    Hello there,

    I have a question I can’t figure out about XML. I would be glad if you help me.

    I’m using the free version of your plugin. I want [alg_product_list_attributes] or [alg_product_available_variations] to look like this:

    Color – Quantity – Price – Photo
    White – 3 – 10.00 – | Black – 4 – 10.00 –

    Is there any way I can make a setting?

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by Omar Dabbas.
    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support


    Sorry for a late reply. Not sure if this will be good enough, but I would suggest separating variations into separate items. First you need to set “Variable products” option to “Variation products only” in “WooCommerce > Settings > Product XML Feeds > XML Feed #X > Products Filtering Options”. Then you can set “XML item” option to something like this:

        <variation_data>[alg_product_list_attribute name="color"] - [alg_product_price] - [alg_product_image_url]</variation_data>
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