Hi, Chris,
The link on the settings page under the Date(s) field doesn’t work.
Thank you for pointing it out – will fix it in the next plugin version.
We would like to run a sale from 12:00 am on October 31 to 11:59 pm on November 3rd and are looking for the correct format.
I think what you need is:
October 31 00:00:00 - November 3 23:59:59
Can you please post the accepted date and time formats here?
The “Date(s)” option must be set as date range(s) in from - to
format, i.e., dates must be separated by the hyphen -
symbol, e.g.:
14.02.2021 15:00 - 26.02.2021 15:00
You can add multiple date ranges separated by the semicolon ;
symbol, i.e., from1 - to1; from2 - to2; ...
. The algorithm stops on the first matching date range.
Dates can be set in any format parsed by the PHP strtotime()
function. However, don’t use the hyphen -
symbol – it’s reserved for separating from
and to
Enable discount on the exact dates:
14.02.2021 15:00 - 26.02.2021 15:00
Enable discount only before 3:00 PM each day:
00:00:00 - 14:59:59
Enable discount only before 3:00 PM each day, or before 5:00 PM on Mondays:
00:00:00 - 14:59:59; Monday 00:00:00 - Monday 16:59:59
Enable discount for the summer months only:
first day of June - last day of August 23:59:59
Enable discount for February only:
first day of February - last day of February 23:59:59