Decimal step on category level

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  • #104281
    Stephen Osmond

    I just bought the product for category step by decimal and discovered it is not working, will this be fixed soon?

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Omar Dabbas.

    Hi Stephen,

    Sorry for the trouble, yes it’s addressed and will be released in the next update with other fixes/enhancements, less than a week hopefully.


    Leanne Greeven

    Same for me.
    Just installed the Pro Plugin. We sell fabric per meter (decimal value) but we also sell products as whole units (like scissors and other products). I put al the data in the productcategories, but it’s not working.
    For fabrics you can order per 0,1m starting at 0,1. But if you want a scissor you can order 1,1 or 2,1 etc. the step value per categorie is working, but the minimum is not. This is a real problem for a shop like mine…!
    I now changed the step value for every category to 0,1. But clients can now buy 1,4 scissors.
    Did I overlook something, or is this a bug in the plugin?

    Leanne Greeven

    minimal and step values work on product level. For now I added these values for each product in the store (500+ products) through meta fields in a bulk editor.
    this way the website functions, but this workaround is a lot of work…


    Hi Leanne,

    I think this is not what you need to do.

    For products like scissor, you will need to define a minimum on product level, the minimum for categry (currently) sums all products in that category to meet that minimum value, the next release will include a feature that will go like “apply this minimum to 100 products in that category in a single click” this will be released very soon.

    As for step, when you define it on category, it doesn’t sum up anything, it applies this step to products in that category, and in the next release the decimal in step will be fixed.

    I hope this clarifies more, if you need further help, please contact me at [email protected]



    Hi Stephen & Leanne,

    We’ve just released version 2.7 where we addressed the decimal issue on category step, along with many other features that you can see in readme file.

    Please test it and let me know if you still have any issues, if you found it useful, it would be great if you can review the plugin.


    Leanne Greeven


    Is tested the new plugin, my problem is completely gone. It’s working fine!

    Thanks for the update.


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