Default quantity & total price on page load

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  • #105094
    Chantal Adlard

    Hi, I need help setting the default quantities when viewing a product. I have products that come in a box of 20. I’ve set the min quantity to 20, however, when opening the page, it still shows the default unit price and quantity as one. The quantity shows 20 in the amount input field, however, the price section shows as one (e.g. “$10 for 1 pcs). I’d like it to show “$200 for 20pcs” when viewing the product for the first time. Any ideas? I’ve got the pro version too.

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by WPWhale.

    Hi Chantal,

    You’re referring to “Total Price by Quantity” feature here right? Can you please make sure on General tab >> Force options >> Force on product page, reset to minimum quantity.

    If that’s the case, please contact us at [email protected] with wp-admin access, we will be glad to set this up (or fix it if it’s a bug).


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