Displaying Custom Field for Variation Products in XML Feed

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  • #105559

    How to list custom field from product in variation products only mode?

    For example: i add custom field named: warranty with one value for each product and i want to show same result for each variant of this product in XML.

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Omar Dabbas.

    Same problem with [alg_product_excerpt]. How to show it on each variation ?

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi Tomek,

    I’ve just replied to you by email, but in case if anyone else has similar task – I’ve just added new use_parent_id attribute in our development version. It can be used in all “products” shortcodes. Attribute is set to no by default, but if you will set it to yes it should solve your task, e.g.:

    [alg_product_meta name="total_sales" use_parent_id="yes"]

    Hope that helps.

    Best regards,


    This made my day sunnier:
    use_parent_id=”yes” can be used in all “products” shortcodes.
    Attribute is set to no by default, but if you will set it to yes it should solve your task.

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Happy to help 🙂

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