Displaying MPN from Custom Product Field in Plugin Feed

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  • #105524

    Hello i want to buy your plugin but i have a question,
    i insert MPN in a field created by a plugin named “Cart Product Feed Additional Product Fields”
    Is it possible to show the MPN in the feed with your plugin

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by Omar Dabbas.


    I’m not really sure what is MPN, but there is a universal [alg_product_meta] shortcode, that can get any data saved in product, e.g.:

    [alg_product_meta name="_some_meta_id"]

    You should change _some_meta_id to meta name that “Cart Product Feed Additional Product Fields” plugin creates.

    Hope I made it little more clear, and please let me know if you have any more questions.

    Best regards,


    this solution is working great and i just bought the plugin.
    1 more question, I need to show the category id as well…
    Is it possible?

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