Hi Support
I had this problem, and I still have:
How do I show the activate message (“Thank you for your registration. Your account has to be activated before you can login. Please check your email.”) to the user after they register?
Right now when users register they are just redirected to frontpage.
That was what I wrote earlier, but I saw a couple of posts that told me that this plugin actually have a problem by showing this activate message (“Thank you for your registration. Your account has to be activated before you can login. Please check your email.”) when the validade email is sent. I have 2 problems, 1) my site redirects to the frontpage and the activate message is never shown.
What do I do?
If you have a hook when you send the validation email, maybe I can set a notification myself. Do you?
Can I have a list of your hooks for this plugin and a list of variables to use?