Does the pro version of the support decimal?

Forums Min Max Default Quantity for WooCommerce Does the pro version of the support decimal?

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  • #104967

    Hello, I’m using the pro version, excellent plugin.

    I have a “bug” i think…

    When adding a product with decimal steps (ie: 1.25) to the Mini Cart it’s all fine, but when I increment the qty to 1.50 from the Mini Cart, the plugin changes the value to 150.

    Yet, if I try to increment the value to 151 it resets to 10 (which is my max qty limit) so i think the plugins is active within the mini cart but for some reason it does not recognize the decimal values inside the mini cart.

    Thanks for your help.


    Hi Armando,

    I’ve seen some cases with mini-carts, but not as strange as this one.

    Some themes & mini carts plugins (or even if it was a theme feature) don’t handle decimals well, will be glad to get this fixed, but I need some sort of access.

    If you have staging server, can you please send us a link & FTP access to [email protected]



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