If anyone else is interested, we’ve solved it by adding “Custom function” item column (in “WooCommerce > PDF Invoices > Customizer > Invoices”). There we’ve set “Function name” to my_alg_wc_ean_wpo_wcpdf
. And finally, we’ve added this snippet to the site – it will display EAN and 1D barcode:
if ( ! function_exists( 'my_alg_wc_ean_wpo_wcpdf' ) ) {
function my_alg_wc_ean_wpo_wcpdf( $item ) {
if (
! empty( $item['item_id'] ) &&
( $item = new WC_Order_Item_Product( $item['item_id'] ) ) &&
false !== ( $ean = alg_wc_ean()->core->get_ean_from_order_item( $item ) )
) {
$barcode = '<div class="ean_wrapper">' .
alg_wc_ean()->pro->barcode->get_barcode_img( $ean, array(
'dim' => '1d',
'id' => alg_wc_ean()->core->ean_key . '_barcode_img',
'class' => 'ean-barcode',
'w' => 1,
'h' => 20,
'product_id' => alg_wc_ean()->core->get_order_item_product_id( $item ),
) ) .
return $ean . $barcode;