Edit product page is slow

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  • #104911

    Hi Omar,
    I’ve tried contacting you directly but haven’t heard back, so decided to post here:
    I’m having problems with the backend of woocommerce, namely product page edit screen takes ages to load (sometimes it manages to load, sometimes it fails).

    I’ve did some research and found, that WC database is populated with 1374 columns out of which 1271 are created by All in One Product Quant for WC. I believe that’s the reason why ‘edit product’ page loads for ages or freezes. I have sent you an exported database via email.

    Now, is this amount of columns necessary or is it some sort of bug that slows WC down?


    Ok now I’m sure the problem was caused by additional columns generated by AiO Product Quantity plugin. After deleting about 360 000 records (~1300 columns) from woocommerce database the ‘edit product’ pages started working properly.

    I think the stall was actually caused by Yoast reading through all these columns, as described here:
    and here:
    but nonetheless I don’t think that AiO Product Quantity should be generating such a large amount of data in a WC database.

    Please advise, for now we have the AiO Product Quantity plugin disabled but we need it, and would like to reactivate it as soon as possible.

    Many thanks in advance

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Omar Dabbas.
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