Emails in other languages + shortcode

Forums Custom Emails for WooCommerce Emails in other languages + shortcode

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  • #102713

    Hi, My website is in 2 languages. Is there a way to translate the content from the email? (this would be the best)

    if not possible, i can create a second email. (I did it). However, the order details still shows in the wrong language.

    Also, i would like to add the shortcode {customer_full_name} to the email content. How can i do that? It’s not working.

    Thank you in advance!


    Please a reply on this matter.



    Sorry for the late reply.

    I have escalated this with our development team . They will get back to you as soon as they can.

    Kind regards,


    do you have an update on this? i haven’t heard from the development team yet.



    I sincerely apologize. Our development team’s priority for this has just been set to “High”. As soon as they can, they will respond to you.

    Kind regards,

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support


    Could you please let me know which plugin you are using for the multi-language? Is it WPML?

    As for the customer’s full name, please try this:

    [order_func func="get_billing_first_name"] [order_func func="get_billing_last_name"]

    P.S. Please let me know if you have a (staging) multi-language site where I can test the code – it would make things easier for me. My email is [email protected].


    yes, WPML.
    The customer full name worked. Thank you. But the settings don’t work great.
    I have created an email and add a specific product as required. when i place an order with this product im not receiving the email.
    As a work around for the language difference. i created 2 emails in different languages but it is also not working. The only way to send these emails is to send manually.
    I do not have a staging site.

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support


    Please update the plugin to the latest v1.7.0. There I’ve added two options to translate emails:

    Option 1 – Now there is a new option in the custom email’s settings – “Require WPML language”. In this case, you would need to configure different custom emails for each language and set the corresponding values in the “Require WPML language” option for each email.

    Option 2 – You can use the new shortcode that I’ve added – [translate] – directly in the email’s settings. This way, you would need to configure only one custom email and translate the content, subject, etc., directly in the settings, e.g.:

    [translate lang="EN" lang_text="Subject for EN" not_lang_text="Subject for other languages"]


    [translate lang="EN"]Subject for EN[/translate][translate lang="DE"]Subject for DE[/translate][translate not_lang="EN,DE"]Subject for other languages[/translate]

    P.S. You’ve mentioned that “… order details still shows in the wrong language…” – are you using the [order_details] shortcode to output the order details? If that’s the case – I’ve just tested – the shortcode’s content should be translated automatically, as the shortcode retrieves the content directly from the WooCommerce order details template.

    P.P.S. Regarding “… specific product as required…” – I’ve just tested the “Require products” option – it seems to be working fine here. If possible, please share access to your site, so I could log in and check what’s going on.

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