Enabling quantity on archive pages to update cart Page

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  • #104836
    Kees Dobbelstein

    Hi, i bought the min-max quantity plugin. Now i use the quantity steps but have to force “Enable quantity on archive pages” otherwise, if not, it still shows “1” at the cart page if pressing “add to cart”.

    Am i doing something wrong?

    Kind regards, Kees


    Hi Kees,

    Not sure I got this correctly.

    Now you enabled quantity on archive, which means you can change quantity from archive pages, this should work regardless of defining a step or no (because default is step 1).

    Do you mean you’re using Minimum Quantity but it’s adding 1 to cart from archive always?


    Kees Dobbelstein

    Hi Omar, if i don’t select “Enable quantity on archive pages”, then in the shop i see the standard button “add to cart” below the products. Then, besides i setup to use quantity steps for a product, it still shows “1” when going to the /cart/ page. Actually i want to see the minimum step range there already.


    Okay as I thought, from General >> Force Quantity Options >> On Archive and set it to “Force to minimum quantity”.

    Hope this solves it, if not, please send us to [email protected] and we will take it from there.


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