Fixing maximum quantity field issue after PHP update

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  • #105004
    Edzerd Boersma

    We have a rather big problem with your plugin: “All in One Product Quantity for WooCommerce”:

    Info: We only use the field “Maximum quantity”.
    I updated today from php 7.4 to php 8.0 and since then that field reacts differently:
    When that field is left empty: a customer cannot buy that product!!!
    It came with the message: “Maximum allowed quantity for [product-title] is . Your current item quantity is 1.”

    When we fill in ‘0’ (zero) then it works again.

    Most of our product have that field empty; we strongly prefer to leave it that way.
    We do not like to update that field for each product.
    Could you please solve this problem?

    Kind regards Edzerd Boersma.


    Hi Edzerd,

    Sorry for the delay responding to you.

    Can you please share more details with us about your website? I just tried the same scenario on a fresh WP installation, but didn’t get the message, please reach us at [email protected] and we will be glad to get this sorted.


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