Formula does not work

Forums Product Price by Formula for WooCommerce Formula does not work

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  • #99087

    I’m trying using this formula to change prices:

    x[if_value value="x" compare_operator="less" compare_to_value="50"]*2.5[/if_value]
    [if_value value="x" compare_operator="less" compare_to_value="100"]*3.5[/if_value]
    [if_value value="x" compare_operator="less" compare_to_value="150"]*4.5[/if_value]

    For some reason it does not work.
    Do you have any idea, why?
    Thank you in advance.

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support


    The issue is that you can’t use x inside the shortcode’s attributes. Please try replacing x with {product_meta key='_price'}, i.e.:

    x[if_value value="{product_meta key='_price'}" compare_operator="less" compare_to_value="50"]*2.5[/if_value]
    [if_value value="{product_meta key='_price'}" compare_operator="less" compare_to_value="100"]*3.5[/if_value]
    [if_value value="{product_meta key='_price'}" compare_operator="less" compare_to_value="150"]*4.5[/if_value]

    * Please note that in your example if the original price is lower than 50 it will be multiplied by 2.5, then by 3.5 and then by 4.5. I.e. if, for example, the original product price is 5, the final price will be 5 * 2.5 * 3.5 * 4.5 = 196.88 (as 5 is lower than all values, i.e lower than 50, lower than 100 and also lower than 150).

    Hope that helps.


    Thank you very much for your quick and great support.
    Now i’m trying to solve the problem you mentioned.
    Thank you again.

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Sure, no problem, happy to help 🙂

    Regarding your task – if understood it correctly – one solution would be to re-calculate multipliers. I.e. if you need to multiply the price by 3.5, but it was already multiplied by 2.5, then you need to multiply only by 1.4, because 3.5 / 2.5 = 1.4, i.e. x * 3.5 is the same as x * 2.5 * 1.4. Hope you get the idea. So your formula would look like this:

    x[if_value value="{product_meta key='_price'}" compare_operator="less" compare_to_value="50"]*2.5[/if_value]
    [if_value value="{product_meta key='_price'}" compare_operator="less" compare_to_value="100"]*1.4[/if_value]
    [if_value value="{product_meta key='_price'}" compare_operator="less" compare_to_value="150"]*1.2857[/if_value]

    Now after your question, I’m thinking that I should add new between value to the compare_operator attribute in the [if_value] the shortcode, so it could be used like that:

    x[if_value value="{product_meta key='_price'}" compare_operator="between" compare_to_value="50,100"]*2.5[/if_value]

    I.e. compare_to_value attribute would be set as comma separated values. Will be adding that in next plugin version.

    Hope that helps.

    P.S. If you like the plugin, please consider leaving us a rating.

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