Global discount only works on one language

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  • #91316
    Evija Jonusa

    We have the following problem, plugin global discount only works on one language!
    When we enter information in discount group, exclude and include tabs they are wroks only for one language.
    Could you please tell how we can make module work in all languages?
    Thank you in advance.

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi Evija,

    Thanks for reporting – let me check. Which plugin are you using for multi-language? WPML? Polylang?

    Evija Jonusa

    I’m using WPML.

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi Evija,

    Ok, thanks for the info. Please give me a day or two to fix this. Will get back to you soon.

    Evija Jonusa

    Hi Tom,

    Thank you in advance!

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi Evija,

    Actually, there is one option in the plugin, that could solve the problem. There is “Use list instead of comma separated text for products in settings” checkbox in the plugin’s “General” settings section (in “WooCommerce > Settings > Global Shop Discount > General > Advanced Options”). If you disable it and then go to your “Discount Group #X” settings, you will see that now you can set “Include products” and “Exclude products” options as a comma-separated list, e.g.:


    i.e. this way you can set IDs for all products, including translations.

    Unfortunately, it doesn’t work for product categories/tags options, but that is easily fixable – if you are ok with the solution, I can quickly release a new plugin version, which will cover product categories/tags options in the same way.

    Please let me know what you think.

    Evija Jonusa

    Hi Tom,
    This solution only helped with Exclude products. I have disabled option what you are mentioned before (Use list instead of comma separated text for products in settings) in General settings.
    Exclude products are saved via comma for all languages.
    But Exclude product tags and Exclude product categories didn’t. After switching language in backpanel of WordPress (on top), these fields are empty.

    Thank you

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi Evija,

    Ok, please update the plugin to the latest version 1.2.0 (released just a couple of minutes ago). Now “Use list instead of comma separated text in settings” option is applied to the “product categories” and “product tags” fields as well. Please give it a try and let me know what you think.

    Evija Jonusa

    Hi Tom,

    The result is the same! Settings saved only for one language in discount group but when I switch a language they were disappeared. Am i doing right:
    1. Enter discount rules (include, exclude, precentage) in discount group for one language, save it.
    2. Than I switch on top in wordpress language and entered the same settings for the same discount group.

    Thank you

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi Evija,

    Hmm, that’s odd… Could you please recheck if the Pro version is 1.2.0, and if “Use list instead of comma separated text in settings” checkbox is disabled?

    P.S. If you wish, I can log in to your site to check what’s going on (my email is [email protected]).

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi again Evija,

    We’ve just released a new plugin version (v1.2.1) – now saved values should remain intact on language switch, even if the “Use list instead of comma separated text in settings” checkbox is enabled. Could you please give it a try?

    P.S. Again, please make sure that you have updated the Pro plugin to version 1.2.1. You can do that by either manually downloading the latest version from My Account > Downloads & Keys, or automatically – by installing the free WPFactory Helper plugin.

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