How can I compel a consumer to buy just one thing from a particular tag?

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  • #100931

    Hi There,

    I do campaign for special days. And I add the m a tag.

    Like Mother’s day.

    I would like to limit each customer can buy 1 pcs of 1 product from this tag.

    he/she should be able to buy 1 skirt and 1 t-shirt. (both t-shirt and skirt has mothersday tag)
    But can’t buy 2 skirts.

    Is it possible?

    Plugin Support

    Hello Ned,

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    > I would like to limit each customer can buy 1 pcs of 1 product from this tag.

    It should not be possible using Limits > Per product tag option. For example, if a consumer buys a product X from Tag A and the Tag A limit is set to 1, the buyer won’t be able to buy anything else with the same tag.

    But there are some other ways to solve the problem without using any tags.

    First solution:

    1. Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Maximum Products per User > General and set the Date range to This day, set Order statuses to the relevant order statuses.
    2. Next, go to the Limits section and enable the Per product option there. This will add a new meta box to each product’s edit page.
    3. Then go to the product’s Edit Product page and set the Limit per user to 1.

    Second Solution:

    You may use the formula to limit the purchase of your product. Your settings in the General section should be the same though.
    1. In the Limits section, enable the Per product option.
    2. Next, go to the Formula section and enable Limit by formula. Then, you may use a shortcode such as

    [alg_wc_mppu limit="1" product_id="12,13,14"]

    Here you just need to update the product_id attribute. You can find the product_id on your product page. Navigate to the area of the WordPress Admin, go to Products > All Products. Then you will hover over products that you want to know the ID for. This ID will appear under the name of any product.

    Please give these a try. I hope you found this information beneficial. If you have any other questions or need assistance, please contact me.

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