How can I exclude products from limits that are available at 0?

Top WooCommerce & WordPress Plugins Forums Order Minimum/Maximum Amount for WooCommerce How can I exclude products from limits that are available at 0?

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  • #93048

    hi, I’m building the B2B for my E-commerce I have different needs:
    – Create a minimum order for each different user (and with your plugin I can do it)
    – Exclude a product from the minimum order count, but not a single product chosen manually but all products that are available at 0, having enabled the possibility of making backorders on my site.

    it’s possible to do it?



    This should be possible if you can add products with no stock either to a category or add a tag to them.

    If they are tagged, for example, In the plugin’s settings, you will need to navigate to Cart Products tab and exclude products with that tag.

    I will forward your request to our plugin’s developers and they can advise if a tag can automatically be added to products that go out of stock.


    thanks, that’s exactly what I would like, automatically inserting a tag to the product as soon as it becomes available 0 would be perfect. I await your response to be able to purchase the plugin, thanks.


    Hi Angelo,

    Here is the code that you can use to automatically add a tag to products that are out of stock:

    function my_action_woocommerce_no_stock( $product ) {
        // Set category ids
        $product->set_category_ids( array( 39, 2 ) );
        // Product set tag ids
        $product->set_tag_ids( array( 40 ) );
        // Save
    add_action( 'woocommerce_no_stock', 'my_action_woocommerce_no_stock', 10, 1 );
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