How can I get rid of this admin-side notice?

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  • #99907
    Tuomas Mämmelä

    Hi, I purchased the paid version. I can’t get rid of this admin-side notice:
    Pop-up Notices Premium
    Do you like the free version of this plugin?
    Did you know we also have a Premium one?

    I can’t find it from the database admin_notes, how to delete this? Also the review notice seems to be too persistent, hope to remove it too.

    Pablo Pacheco

    Hello Tuomas,

    I just released a new version on both free and Pro versions.
    The notices won’t be available on the Pro version anymore, and on the free version there will be a very small notice pointing to the Pro.

    Thanks for letting me know

    Tuomas Mämmelä

    So is version 1.3.3 the newest one? I’m still getting these annoying admin notices.

    Tuomas Mämmelä

    Oh I just noticed this plugin doesn’t auto update without installing some annoying helper plugin. Now is 1.3.4 and notices seem to be gone.

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