How can I hide products that have exceeded their limits?

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  • #100487

    Good Afternoon

    I purchased the Maximum Per User Product for WooCommerce, I have a question.

    I wanted to know if it is possible, that when the customer chooses or acquires the product (in my case I created a product that is free and will only be available once every 30 days), there is some way to make this product no longer appear to the customer as a purchase option, until the 30 days have passed (i.e. it does not appear as part of the products) and after the indicated period, it becomes a purchase option for the customer again.

    Thanks for your help.

    Translated with (free version)

    Plugin Support

    Hi there,

    In such a case, in the plugin’s settings, under the “General” section, please enable the “Hide products” option.

    Kind regards,

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