How can I limit a product’s purchase to only certain users?

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  • #100841
    ignatius fung

    Hi, I am using formular, i wanna the product 333 sell to user 1, 2, 3, 4 only, however, it seems that user 5, 6, 7, 8 can buy the product 333 as well, may i know if there is any additional setting? thank you.

    [alg_wc_mppu limit="1" user_id="1, 2, 3, 4" product_id="333"]
    [alg_wc_mppu limit="1" user_id="5, 6, 7, 8" product_id="444"]


    To restrict users from purchasing a product for example, 333 to 5,6,7,8 use the following formula

    [alg_wc_mppu limit="-1" user_id="5,6,7,8" product_id="333"]

    This formula will not allow users 5,6,7 and 8 to buy the 333 product. The key is to use -1 as the limit if you don’t want them to buy that product.

    ignatius fung

    it works!!! Thx for your quick reply, cool~~~~~~~~

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