How can I limit my purchase of a category to a maximum of five items?

Forums Maximum Products per User for WooCommerce How can I limit my purchase of a category to a maximum of five items?

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    we have the pro version purchased a few months ago. up to now I have used the maximum limit of 5 for each product (we have 3 products), but now I should put a maximum quantity of 5 on a category (therefore shared between the 3 products). the module works, but it does not count purchases made in the other way. let me explain: if a customer has already bought 5 products with the old method, he should be blocked from buying now. it’s possible?



    In the plugin’s settings, please try and run the option under Tools > Delete & Recalculate sales data 

    Please let me know if you continue having trouble with this.


    i tried but apart from that every now and then it crashes and goes into wp error or error 500 even giving unlimited resources. but in the products the accounts are updated, while in the category it stops at a certain day and no longer loads anything. but is there a limit for categories for the data?

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