How can I limit the user on a plan to booking products once per month?

Forums Maximum Products per User for WooCommerce How can I limit the user on a plan to booking products once per month?

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    Hi there. I have two products that are available on a specific membership subscription plan. The two products are bookable appointments.

    I need to be able to limit the users on this plan to only be able to book both products once per month.

    So in June user X can book product Y once and can book product Z once.

    If they try to book more than their allowance it should display an error message e.g. you have used 1 and have 0 remaining.

    At the end of the month the allowance will reset and they can book two appointments again for both products in the next month.

    I would also like to display a shortcode that will show both products and their monthly allowance so they can easily see this.

    How do I set this up?

    I am running latest version of Woocommerce subscriptions, memberships, pro version of this product and latest version of WordPress.

    Thanks in advance.



    There are a number of settings that you will have to configure in the plugin’s settings.

    1. General tab, Enable the plugin, and set the Mode as Product Quantities and set the Appropriate Date range as Monthly. Also set the correct Order statuses for which you want the limits to apply.

    2. Formula tab Enable limits by formula and use a formula such as

    [alg_wc_mppu limit="1" membership_plan="basic" product_id="100,110"]

    In the above example, the limit is 1 per user for the membership plan “basic” for product IDs 100 and 110. This is just an example and you will need to adjust the formula based on your settings.

    3. In the Front end tab you will need to set the appropriate options as per your requirements. For example, if you want the limits validated when the add to cart button is pressed.


    Hi, I have tried this and unfortunately, it is not working. The plugin I am using is This creates a bookable appointment and has it’s own checkout gateway called check appointment availability.

    I can’t get the plugin formula to pick up that a member on my Pro membership should only be allowed to book 1 coaching and 1 mindset session a month.

    At present they could book unlimited because the logic is not kicking in to stop them.

    Settings are below:

    General –

    Limits –

    Formula –

    Frontend –

    Let me know if you need temp access to check settings.



    Is it possible for you to share your WordPress dashboard access and we can take a look for you? You can send your details to [email protected]



    The only issue i see with your formula is using Pro instead of pro i.e. Capital “p”

    As you have mentioned on email it is working for you now, I am looking into your other issue on the other thread.

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