How can I make it so that when a user logs in, exceed product is hidden?

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  • #100639
    CM Catherine Leung

    I installed the pro version is it work for block exceed product for checkout.

    How can i make it when user are logged, product page will hidden exceed product?



    To hide products whose limits have been exceeded, go to the General tab in the plugin’s settings and Enable the option for Hide products with exceeded limits

    CM Catherine Leung

    Yes. I make it. But still display in shop page.

    When go to checkout will blocked, go back to shop page will hidden.
    The function “Hide products with exceeded limits” is it need checkout to trigger hide product?


    Hi Catherine,

    Sorry, I have not understood your question. Please could you elaborate a little more?

    The user must be logged in for the products to be hidden.

    CM Catherine Leung

    Client login to shop (logout & login again), they can see all product included exceeded limits product.

    They can add to cart, but will block at checkout (because exceeded limits). When they back to shop page again the exceeded limits product will hidden.

    So that “Hide products with exceeded limits” is it need checkout to trigger hide product function? Is confused.



    The hide products option will only work if the limits are exceeded. The client would have to login for them to be identified and products hidden from them. The other option is you can hide products from guests as well.

    CM Catherine Leung

    The hide products option will only work if the limits are exceeded. The client would have to login for them to be identified and products hidden from them. The other option is you can hide products from guests as well.

    I know, guest can not see any products.

    I said that, client are logged in shop page still can see all product (included are exceeded products). Why? When can try to checkout and back to shop page, the exceeded products can be hidden. Why?

    Plugin Support

    Hi there,

    We wanted to know if are still needed help on this issue.

    We have been unable to reproduce the issue on our end, in order to assist you further, would it be possible for you to provide us with access to your WordPress dashboard? This will allow us to investigate the issue more closely and understand what might be causing the problem. If that’s okay with you, please send your login credentials to [email protected].

    We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to resolving this matter for you.

    Best regards,

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