How can I modify the add-to-cart success message?

Forums Popup Notices for WooCommerce How can I modify the add-to-cart success message?

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  • #99827
    Chris Schoinas

    Hi there, nice plugin.
    I just purchased it and I would like to modify some of the default woocommerce messages. For example, the add to cart success message (“X product” has been added to your cart. | View Cart). I would like to replace the word cart with the word basket. Is there an easy way to do this?

    Pablo Pacheco

    Hi Chris,

    You could create a custom message with these settings:

    – Type: Add to Cart
    – Modified HTML: View cart “{{post_title}}” has been added to your basket.

    Please give it a try and let me know 😉

    Chris Schoinas

    Hi Pablo, thank you very much for your quick reply. Yes it worked like a treat 🙂
    Thank you!

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