How can I prevent guests from purchasing specific products?

Top WooCommerce & WordPress Plugins Forums Maximum Products per User for WooCommerce How can I prevent guests from purchasing specific products?

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  • #100536
    Pier Serta


    I have just ordered the lifetime Pro.

    Please let me know how to Block guests from buying specific products only

    Kind regards

    Pier Serta

    Please answer as soon as possible.


    WPFactory Plugins
    Plugin Author

    Hi Pier,

    Sorry for the delay.
    Actually it wasn’t possible, but I just created a new option for you allowing it.
    Now, there will be a new option (General > Guests > Block method) where you can choose “According to limit options”. And then the guest users won’t be able to purchase specific products according to limit options. In this case, any limit greater than 0 will be enough to block them.

    I’m sending you a modified version of the plugin with this new feature via email.
    Let me know your thoughts 😉

    Pier Serta


    Thank you for answering.

    I think it’s not exactly what I meant.

    We have to block all guests for specific products (not related to limit set in your plugin). I meant to replace the ‘add to cart’ button with another text to Log in only for specific products. Then once logged in we can check the limit.

    Kind regards

    Pier Serta


    Please let me know if can achieve it for all guests with your option.

    Kind regards
    Pier Serta

    Pier Serta


    I still waiting for an answer.

    Kind regards
    Pier Serta

    WPFactory Plugins
    Plugin Author

    Hi Pier,

    Sorry for the delay.

    After reading your message, I’m modifying the feature I created to suit you exactly the way you wanted. Basically you want two different things:

    1. To specify what products will be blocked by guest users

    2. Modify the “Add to cart” button text for these products

    Is that right?
    I’m working on it. When I have news about it I’ll let you know 😉

    Pier Serta


    Yes specify and these are all variable products. We need for samples of each brand as variable proudcts.

    Then please consider variations

    Is it possible to add it with code in your funtion section?

    Please let me know when you can do it, as we need it now

    Kind regards

    WPFactory Plugins
    Plugin Author

    But is it going to be required to specify by variation too?
    I mean, if you have a variable product with 3 different variations A,B and C. Do you need to block only variation B for example?

    Pier Serta

    Not block for variation but limit to 1 lifetime for any variation, in order to hide already ordered variation for logged in user

    Pier Serta

    Ok but please let me know how to block guest for specific products only (all sample variable products )

    WPFactory Plugins
    Plugin Author

    Hi Pier,

    I’ve created a new option for you.
    Please update the plugin to version 3.5.1.

    – Now, there will be a new option (General > Guests > Block method) where you can choose “According to limit options”

    – And then if you enable Limits > Per product tag or Limits > Per product category or Limits > per product there will be a new option Block guests on the term and product page respectively.

    Please let me know if it works for you 😉

    Pier Serta


    Please let me know how to replace the add to cart/select variation button for the specific category for guest only.

    Regarding the block, It works to not add the product to cart but it’s not a good practice without any notice, becasue the customers are calling us asking that they can not add the specific product.

    To sum up:

    1. We have to inform the user with a text where the specific product is limited and can not be ordered or hide the variation product if possible.

    2. We have to replace the ‘add to cart/select option’ button in the category/shop page with ‘log in to order’ button for guest and specific category only.

    Kind regards

    Pier Serta


    Please let me know

    Kind regards

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