How can I restrict the user to purchasing ten products per month?

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  • #100736
    Melissa Boverhof

    Hello, can I set a maximum number of total products purchased by a user per month? So I have 100 products each product can only be bough once. And I want to limit website members to only purchase 10 products per month. How do I do that?

    Plugin Support

    Hi Melissa,

    Reading your question again I’m not so sure with the last part. When you say you want to limit members to purchase 10 products per month you mean to limit each product individually? i.e., from 1 to 10? Or do you want to limit members to purchase 10 different products?

    Melissa Boverhof

    So the idea is we are selling digital products users can buy and add their online library. So there is only the need to buy a product once. We want users to pay for a subscription and then be able to add 10 products a month to their library at the first level, and then 20 products a month at the second level and so on.

    Does that help?

    Plugin Support

    Yes, thanks. We have a workaround for cases like yours. This is what you’d need to do:

    1. Set General > Mode as Product Quantities.
    2. Set General > Date range as Last 30 days.
    3. Enable the Per product tag (or category) on Limits section.
    4. Mark all your products with the same tag or category.
    5. Access that specific tag/category page and take note of the tag_ID on the URL. Let’s suppose it’s 123.
    6. Enable the Formula > Limits by formula option and add this to the Formula option:

    [alg_wc_mppu term_id="123" limit="10" membership_plan="first_level"]
    [alg_wc_mppu term_id="123" limit="20" membership_plan="second_level"]

    That wouldn’t cover the need to buy a product only once though.

    Let me know if this would be enough for you.

    Melissa Boverhof

    Thanks! Is there a way I can test to make sure the formulas are working with the Add tab to “My Account” page option?

    Melissa Boverhof

    I’ve put in the formula you gave. But it is limiting the number of times a user can buy each product, not the number of products across the whole category. I would like to use the limits tab in the user account page to have the category name and how many more products they can add that month from within their membership access category.



    Is it possible for you to share your WordPress dashboard access and we can take a look for you? You can send your details to [email protected]

    Melissa Boverhof

    Yes, just sent. Thank you!

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