How can I see verified and unverified users?

Top WooCommerce & WordPress Plugins Forums Email Verification for WooCommerce How can I see verified and unverified users?

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  • #101303
    Mikael Leinsköld

    Hi, I use your pro version product 🙂
    Question: when a user has tried to register but have not clicked ok to the verify mail.
    In what table in the database is that user. I can’t find this person in the “users” and not even in “user meta”.
    The problem is I need to set up this customer manually (participant in training) but the system says: “This email is already registered. Please choose another one.”.
    So the whole thing is in some kind of limbo state that I can’t get out of.
    How do I delete or reset this state/person?



    In the plugin’s settings under Admin tab, Enable the Verified Column option.

    Then in your WordPress dashboard, go to Users > All Users you will find all the verified and unverified users.

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