How can I setup the plugin to prevent usesr from buying the same product again?

Forums Maximum Products per User for WooCommerce How can I setup the plugin to prevent usesr from buying the same product again?

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  • #100600

    Can I create a rule that will prevent a customer from purchasing the same product twice?

    Sometimes a customer purchases a download product and does not see the email with the link.
    They then purchase the produce again and I have to issue a refund.

    Thank you



    Yes this is possible.

    Either in the Limits tab Enable the all products options and set the limit per user to 1. This way all products can only be purchased once by any user.

    Or in the Limits tab Enable the per product option and edit each individual product and enter the limit as 1. This way the products whose limits you set can only be purchased once.

    Or Use the Formula tab and enter a formula such as [alg_wc_mppu limit="18" user_id="2,5" product_id="100,110"] – Sets maximum limit to 18 for products 100 and 110 for users 2 and 5


    I will try that.
    Thank you

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