How can we make the button appear after the “in the cart” button?

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  • #100204
    Anja MC

    we are thinking of buying your plug-in. Two questions have come up while testing the free version.

    1. On the product page, we can’t get the button to display after ‘in the cart’ button. ‘after product thumbnail’ works, but the other three settings put the button in the top left corner under the header. Can you help?
    2. In the Pro version, can we see which products are on a specific customer’s list, so that we can send targeted mails? your description sounds like the lists are separate, one for products and one for customers .


    Pablo Pacheco

    Hello Anja,

    1. The button position depends on how your theme handles the WooCommerce hooks. Please try to switch your theme temporarily to Storefront for example.  Probably it will work. Anyway, the pro version allows to use any custom position you want

    2. Yes, the lists are separate. On the admin users page, there will be a new column counting how many items each user have added to their wish lists. If you access the user’s profile page you’ll see exactly the items they have added. On the admin products page, there will be a new column counting how many times each product have been added. Would it be ok for you?

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