How do I make a popup appear when users click “Place Order”?

Forums Popup Notices for WooCommerce How do I make a popup appear when users click “Place Order”?

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    Hi I need a popup that when user click on “place order” on woocommerce show a popup that summarise the shipping address and user details saying: verify if your shipping and billing data are correct and have 2 buttons: change or proceed, if proceed customer place order if click on change back to billing information
    is it possible with your plugin?

    Pablo Pacheco

    Hi Jack,

    No, it’s not possible.
    I believe that it would be necessary to create a custom code to achieve it


    Hello, before I purshase this, is there a way that the pop up doesn’t interfere with the page? Like if I have the pop up open I can make clicks on the page without needing to close it first.

    Kind of what this page(wp factory) is doing on the bottom left corner

    Pablo Pacheco

    Hi Adrian,

    I’m sorry. This is not possible for now 🙁


    Thank you, another question what Im I suposse to write on the ignored messages section? Please explained in detail and if ypu can provide an example would be great!

    Pablo Pacheco

    Adrian, please update the plugin to the latest version. I just released a new one.
    – Free version is now 1.2.5
    – Pro version is now 1.3.0

    I’ve created a new option considering your message. It was a little bit confusing indeed. The new option is “Search method”.

    – If you use “Partial comparison”, you can add just a part of the message on the Ignored messages field. For example, let’s say you want to ignore the message when an item is added to cart, like “X has been added to your cart.”.
    In that case you can enter just “has been added”

    – If you use “Full comparison”, you have to enter the complete message, including the HTML

    Let me know if it helps 😉


    I updated it but it seems you change the pot file, now I cant translate the notices 🙁


    I check the previous version. I dont know what happen or why but before I was able to translate everything! there where around 235 string including all the notices messages. }
    Now I can only translate 35 strings and none are of the notice messages which is my biggest concerned because my page is for spanish speakers.

    Pablo Pacheco

    Hello Adrian,
    I just released a new version with the updated POT file.

    Please try again and let me know if it’s ok 😉


    Hello again, damn thank you for the great suppport but the pot file still missing the notices strings which is what matters to me. Before i had everything on spanish, for example the notices that said “Thanks for the registration, you need to very your email first” (Not exactly that but something alike) and right now the pot file doesnt have any of does strings. It only has the strings of the back end 🙁

    (even with the new update)

    Pablo Pacheco

    Anytime Adrian 😉

    Hum, I think the strings you want to translate are not related to the Popup plugin. We only have backend strings indeed.

    I believe that probably they are related to your theme or some other plugin. Do you remember if you have updated something else lately? And how are you trying to translate the strings?


    LOL you are right I was talking about email verifcation plugin damn I fill so stupid. Sorry to bother you so much my bad.

    Pablo Pacheco

    No problem, it happens 😉
    See you

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